It is important to secure that there is always required liquid available or the right amount of ingredients is added into your mixing chamber to keep your machine and process going on. Whatever reason you have to check fluid level, LevelSys P will make your job with semi-aggressive or light media. The PP float handles most of industrial liquids, starting with SG 0,6. The fully potted electronics ensures longterm operation. The analogue output signal is proportional to the liquid level with 5mm resolution. Additional alarms can be integrated to make sure you have redundancy in the application. It is necessary to get informed about low level, in order to indicate that liquid has to be refilled or to bring your device in a secured stop-mode.
Would you like to measure the fluid temperature additionally? How about integrating measurement in LevelSys P?
A wide range of electrical connectors and process ports are available to made the sensors most convinient for your application.