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Every day many people, professionals and private individuals, are getting worldwide really close to products made by OEMSYS - unknowingly. They use or operate devices, machines and systems where our products sense, monitor, control or manage fluids inside. Our products are built in a broad range of OEM products accross a lot of industries.

In the semiconductor industry for example our products are installed in wafer production plants to control liquid levels in mixing chambers.
Highly agressive ingredients are managed by PTFE Sensors. This secures repeatability and consitency of the recipes.

In the medical sector
 (ex. in vitro diagnostic machines) OEMSYS bottle assemblies are used as reactors to mix several liquids according to plan and deploy the final mixture to the machine via siphontubes for further usage.
In sterilization apparatus used in hospitals, our barrel, level and mixing solutions secure and prepare fluid-mixtures for desinfection on time, on demand or for dosing tasks.

OEMSYS filling valves and coupling systems handle initial filling process and secure tightness of the hydraulic circuit for long-term
 in modern heating systems.

In OEM professional welding tools our preassembled tank-flow control units secure that the welding torch is always sufficiently cooled to support high operational availability.

In industrial pump control applications our engineered plastic level switches monitor low and high alarm points efficiently.

All these different OEM equipment manufacturers in different industries have one thing in common: They trust in the performance and dependability of OEMSYS engineered and customized products.

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